This is last years post, throw back Friday. Coach Rachel, Chris and Coach Jas
doing a plank off.
12 days of xmas Wod
30 minute time cap
It’s like the song do #1 then #2 and 1 again, 3, 2, 1 then 4, 3, 2, 1 get it 🙂 FUN FUN FUN
- 10 mountain climbers/skips/ jumping jacks
- Thrusters 95/65
- Front squats 96/65
- Tuck jumps or squats
- Pull ups/ring rows
- 30 sec plank stationary or moving
- Bicep curls
- dips/ ring or bench OR SKULL CRUSHERS
- Wall balls
- Burpees with or without weights USED FOR bicep curls
- 11 hollow rocks
- Push ups or rope climb ….. how mean!!!