Teams of 2 For Time
Go in order, IF THERE IS MORE THAT 4 TEAMS, LET THE FIRST TEAM START AND START AFTER THEY ARE DONE THEIR FIRST ACTIVITY. Divide work evenly with one athlete working at a time.
NOT SCALED 150 Double Unders 120PS Walking Lunges 90 hollow rocks 60 DB Push Presses 30 DB Front Squats 15 Jump Over Your Partners Burpees 750m Row 15 Jump Over Your Partners Burpees 30 Front Squats 60 Push Presses 90 hollow rocks 120 Walking Lunges 150 Double Unders SCALED DOWN VERSION 120 Single Skips 90 Walking Lunges 60 hollow rocks 30 Push Presses @ manageable weight 15 Front Squats @ manageable weight 9 Jump Over Your Partners Burpees or step 750m Row 9 Jump Over Your Partners Burpees 15 Front Squats 30 Push Presses 60 hollow rocks 90 Walking Lunges 120 Single Skips