Reminder tomorrow December 23,
gym closes at
12 Days of Xmas again
If you did one yesterday please do 2 strength moves
you missed or need to catch up on. Talk to your Coach.
Clean and Jerk- back rack step ups
Bench- Back squats or overhead squats
rope climbs – push ups
Today’s Workout: Time Cap 30 minutes Buy In – Warmup BEFORE class. Review any exercises that you are unsure of as we have to get the workout started right away.
- Quick coach demo of unfamiliar movements and standards
WOD – “12 Days of Christmas”
- 1 Handstand Pushup
- 2 Turkish Getups (20/35)MW
- 3 HANGING knees to elbow
- 4 Man Makers (20/35)SCALED IS 2X
- 5 Golden ring dips/ bench or box
- 6 Double Unders/30 single skips
- 7 Pullups/ rings
- 8 Air Squats
- 9 KB Swings (35/55)/MW
- 10 Box Jumps (24/30)MH
- 11 1 Arm DB Snatch (20/35)MW
- 12 Mountain climbers
* The workout is executed like the song 12 days of Christmas. * Coaches make sure that the class scales appropriately. A good rule of thumb is, if you cannot complete the exercise unbroken, scale the weight or movement.
Same weight for the Turkish gets ups, Manmakers and 1
arm DB snatch.