Danielle is one of our Newer Crossfit Members and crushing it !
Warm up
10 down dog with shoulder press backs
2 min peanut release for T-Spine and lats
Forearm release
Do 1 RD of Core
Christine G snatch warm up
Strength do one you missed this week, list is on the board. Bench press monday
Snatch 5 4 3 2 1 1 1… KETTLE BELL SWINGS
ME rope climbs in 10 min
7 min amrap
- 7 thrusters 135/95 96/65 MW
- 7 burpees
3 Rounds: Core
- 8 Fast V-Ups
- 15 Tuck Crunches
- 30 sec Hollow Rocks
- 30 sec Superman
- Then Rest 1 min into Max Bridge Hold.