Partner Saturday …… love these Wods
Alternate between partners. One exercises while the other holds plate over head or over the bar holds
EMOM every 3 min STOP and go for a 200 m run with a MB
Partner A:
- 100 Double unders/ 150 single skips
- 50 Pull ups/ banded
- 100ps Lunges holding slam ball doing a cross body press (30/20)
- 50 weighted straight leg sit ups (45/25)
- 100 Slam Balls (30/20)
- 50 weighted push ups / no weight
- 100ps sp side Lunges holding slam ball doing a cross body press
- 50 ring row/ bent over
- 100 Double unders/ 150 SS
Person B:
Holds plate overhead (15 / 10 kg)