Monday March 9 2020
NEW SIGN UP SHEET FOR 5:45 AM CLASSES FOR SPRING BREAK. PLEASE SIGN UP AND LET YOUR COACHES KNOW YOU WILL BE AWAY. Warm up 20 using dowel – 3 point curtsy lunges line drills ball release lats and rear deltoid Bounce balls slams outside 200 m Practise and review clean with dowel FUN […]
Sunday March 8 2020
LOOK BACK IN YOUR BOOK TO October 27 2019 Do Open 19.1 and Nicole or Open 19.1 and Amanda Open Workout 19.1 Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 19 wall-ball shots( chest throws) 19-cal. row M 20-lb. wall ball to 10 ft. W 14-lb. wall ball to 9 ft. […]
Saturday March 07 2020
Teams of 3 – 35 Minute AMRAP Go in order. Divide the work evenly with one athlete working at a time 300 Double Unders 100 SS 120 MB Cleans MW 120 Shoulder to Overhead using DBells 35/25 20/15 12/10, shoulder issues use landmine 120 Overhead Weighted Walking Lunges weight plate, ribs in, arms locked out! 120 […]
Friday March 6 2020
warm up 2x 20 jumping jacks 10 air squat 5 ps pistols holding onto rig 10 bicep curls 10 ring rows 10 bench dips CHOICES, CHOICES AND MORE CHOICES A,B,D 0r C 0r E,D A. Five sets of: Single-Arm DB Bench Press x 8-10 reps stationary lunges 5 ps using Bench press weight […]
Thursday March 5 2020
Niki is doing deceit pushup you can use a weight plate or yoga blocks as well Warm up 10 medial raises 10 front raises 10 rear deltoid raises…. bent over 10 banded circles 10 dowel pulls in prone PUSH UPS ANYONE ?? 10 minutes of fun EMON do 3-4 every minute Levels […]
Wednesday March 4 2020
How cute is this ?? Happy Wednesday Warm up 10 ps spine opener is child pose ( arm goes behind back then open) 10 ps windmills ( use light weights) Kbell neck stretch ( hold KB and pull neck in the opposite dir) 10 ps banded push and pull ( start in […]
Tuesday March 3 2020
WE LOVE SMALL HUMANS Warm up …Chipper Tuesday Shoulder BIG 6 . At Rig with a Thera Band 10 each standing A standing T standing Y External rotation. arms stuck to side( facing side ) Internal rotation at 90% 5 each (facing room) External rotation at 90% 5 each (facing away from room) 20 second […]
Monday March 2 2020
SIDE TO SIDE PULL UPS WORKS THE FRONTAL PLAIN Scaled in Green and remember nothing overhead if neck or shoulder issues 🙂 WARM UP 50 single unders 20 D/U 10 ps 1/2 turkish get to to elbow open 10 lateral bounds 10 frog bridges 10 ps pendulum swings with small Bell review Bear complex with […]
Sunday March 1 2020
LOOK BACK IN YOUR BOOKS TO October 6 2019 ‘LINDA” PUSHED UP LINDA ADD A 100 M RUN IN BETWEEN TO SHAKE IT OUT 3 BARS OF LIFE (DEATH) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps, For Time Deadlift (1.5 bodyweight) Bench Press (bodyweight) SHOULDER ISSUE DO INCLINE OR ASK FOR OPTIONS Clean (3/4 bodyweight) Use three separate barbells. […]
Saturday February 29 2020
Trophy Saturday…. We were all winners today!! See everyone next Saturday! 35 min cap One partner is picking one of these move…. while the other partner goes down the list 1. dragging a sandbag 2x room or 2. running 200 m with a mb or 3. hanging from rig doing knee raises with a bouncy […]