Warm up
- 8 ps DBell windmills
- 10x bear squats..push back into semi squat from plank
- 5 x push up to downward dog
- 10 sp reverse lunge with overhead reach using weight plate
- 10 sp diagonal band pull aparts
- 12 side to side hip rotation
Strength …Combo 6 6 6 6 6 6
Hang cleans with reverse lunges right and left
100 m run doing a pinch weight plate … only as strong as your grip
3 Rounds
10 Front Squats (115/85)
15 DB Push Jerks (35/25)( banded pushes
20 Swings (55/35)
25 hollow rock ….
Advanced RX
3 Rounds
10 Front Squats (155/105)
20 Swings (70/55)
25 TTB
10ps 1/2 turkish get ups
10 ps banded push pull
side plank eternal rotation with small weight( use small towel to keep elbow at your side