Thank goodness it’s friday
Warm up
- 6 inch worms with shoulder openers
- 20 sec wall angles in a squat position
- 30 sec side plank holds
- 10 ps single leg sits to a box, which is below parallel …barely touching it each time
- release and stretch shoulders
Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 or Front if O/H bothers your shoulders ….. Do a push set for your last set to see if your training to your true potential. If you can push more that an extra 2 out your not !!
Hang snatch 5 5 5 5 5 55-65% ….. Do a push set for your last set
“Nasty “
3 rounds for time :
7 Ring muscle Ups (scale 12 ring Dips or burpee pull-ups )
30 Alternating Pistols (Scale 50 Air Squats )
10 Hang Power Snatches (115/80) Deloading
- 10 ps alternating bicep curls
- 10 standing tricep kick backs …. similar position to a bent over row
- 10 anterior deltoid shoulders raises. shoulder stay in sockets