Release time….See you tonight
Warm up
- 10 Mb buprees
- 10 Mb cleans
- 10 Mb squat toss in air
- 10 1 Mb burpee, 1Mb clean, 1 squat toss in air
Choose 1rm bench press take 20 min 1 rm single leg deadlift , half of what you dl with no extra strain on the spine 20 min or both and 1 mile run or chose 1 and do mini wod 12 min Amrap
- right side and left side – 50-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge (50/35lb) 2x gym floor
- 100 double-unders/200 SS 10 MB cleans to wall-ball shots (14/20lb) (10/11ft)MW-MH 2 -5 rope climb, 10 Burpees on ball to Mb O/H squat