I just love this picture of Cathy ….. YA it’s friday !
Warm up
- Towel drag for hamstrings 10 ps
- 50 SS
- 10 ps SL DL
- 10 hollow rocks
- 10 superman
- 10 lat retraction on rig
- 10 beat swings maintaining hollow rock position
- finisher 2x
take 15 minutes to find your 3 rm Deadlift
WODIZZLA 4 rounds
3 min amrap
20 Dubs/ 40 SS
6 T2B/ hanging Knee to chest / using dowel tough toes in a v sit… go slowly
3 Deadlifts 225/155…. MW
1 min rest between rounds
Finisher 2-3 rounds
20 side to side Kettlebell lunges
10 bicep curls tempo 1/0/3.. lowering phase 3 seconds
5 military pushups