Don’t miss out… have you signed up yet ?
starts tomorrow at 11:00 am just after the wod!
Warm up
- PNF hip release, standing bring knee up and push down for 5 sec do 3x
- 10 ps walking lunges to toes
- 10 ps banded pulls
- 10 scapula retractions, in push up pos.
- 2x crab walks
- 2x bear crawl
- 2 cartwheels each arm
Strength Tempo 1/0/3
Bicep curls 5 5 5 5 5
Ring Dips 5 5 5 5 5/ matador or box
Renegade rows 5 5 5 5 5 ps.
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5/5 Front Rack Lunges, back foot on small box (95/65)MW
15 Push Jerks (95/65) no split MW
20 Kettlebell (70/53)MW
1 Rope Climb (12’)2 Lying climbs or 20 sec hold
*If the barbell is dropped, perform 10 Burpees…..once form breaks you will have to drop bar!