10 PS Spine Opener
10 banded pullovers
10 external rotation in side plank position, small weight 3-5lbs
10 weighted roll ups
10 side to side kettlebell swings
10 push up, showing band from high rig
Weak Skill
8 minutes to work on a weak skill
Weak skill 10-20 second on 30 second off holds every minute
L SITS … easy to difficult
- on bench
- on floor sitting on ad matt
- on floor no matt, try holding 1 leg up
- on floor no matt try holding 2 legs up
- on rings
- on kettlebell handles
Metcon Class
A) 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 scaled do 15 12 9 3
side to side kb swing (53/35lb) use a lighter weight that normal
recline pulls, seated in rig
bike erg cals/row
pushup, use band from high rig
B) Coaches choice…????? if time left