Christine is coaching tonight!!! Don’t miss this, our
beloved Christine is moving in June. :(((((
This will be one of the last times you will have a chance
to be coached by a gold Medalist.
Test day
Weak Skill before or after TESTING…. Write in your book what you achieved for these categories and we will retest in 1 month. Work in the area you are most weak, cardiovascular, endurance, stamina???
Warm up
- Line drills, push up and squats
- ankle, calve and shin releases, use foam yoga block and ball
TESTING BEGINS, rest 30 sec to 1 min as needed for skipping, no rest if possible
4:00min max effort burpees
400 m row
400 m run
800 m run block
5:00 skip/ :
100/50 skips
100/50 alternating skips
100/50 single leg skips Right
100/50 single leg skip Left
100/50 alternating skips
Mobility stretch calves, ankles and shin again