Lifting tonight, check out Marks

wrists and knuckles, it’s okay to have them 

slightly bent over while pushing to the ceiling.  




Warm up 


  • 10 hanging lat retractions… this will initiate your swing if you are doing it right.
  • 10 band pull back targeting low traps.  Arms pulling straight up and back
  • 10 staggered stance push ups….. while moving across floor 
  • 10 air squats 
  • foam roll posterior chain, lats, quads and back 


  • Strength


  • 8 min emom, use bands, jumps or parallel rings ….try and start doing them on your own 
    Odd min- 6 strict pull ups
    Int- 7 reps
    Adv- 8 reps
    Even min- 8 Strict Press (Mod. load)


         5 rounds
         3 min amrap

         3 powercleans 135/95
         6 push ups
         9 airsquats

  • Rest 1 min