Lifting tonight 
Warm up
Outside 2x
MB throws 1x …easy jog back
MB side throws shuffle….1x facing left …easy jog back
MB side throws shuffle….1x facing right…easy jog back
MB backward throw ……1x…..easy jog back
mobility work for cleans and review
Skill: 3 position clean, hh, hang, ground 5 x Find your 5 rm in your book
- Handstand Pushup
- Toes-2-Bar/ hanging knees up
Rest 2 minutes
8 Minute AMRAP
- strict pull ups
- Jumping pikes
Rest 2 minutes
8 Minute AMRAP
- Ring Push up
- Double Unders, single skips
- wall walks and hold
- hanging knees up
- strict pulls up
- squat jumps
- push up to snake
- single skips