We have found a deserving family for CFSS to adopt.
Ladies name is Terri Lynn Bolt. Thank you Sonia and
your mother for finding us this family.
Terri has been separated for some time from her husband. He is a working alcholic, but often out of work and she does not get support from him. Left him because of abuse. She has 6 children. Two have them are adults but still live at home. Ages of children
Sharon 22, Kathryn 21, Faith 12, Hope 10,
Sean 8, Kegan 2 ½.
I believe they are on social assistance because she doesn’t work. She is actually a very lovely lady, very kind and helpful.
This week we are bringing in non-perishable food items and canned good and cash for a gift card for food, phone card or bus passes.
Warm up
- 5 inch worms with push ups
- 10 plank rolls, hip move side to side
- 10 shoulder taps
- 20 flutter kicks
- 10 plank jumps, in plank jump to feet and back
- 20 flutter kicks, hands under butt
400 m run
1 rm Turkish get up !
21 15 12 9 “THE RALPH”
- O/H squat or front or back MW
- mountain climbers
- walking lunges with MB in an arch like fashion, going over the head MW
- tricep ring dips/ matador. bench
- row 400 run 400 skip 100 D/U 50