Release class tonight !
Classes start at 6:00am today …..get an early start to your day and
get it over and get it done!
Warm up 2x
- 10 Banded SA presses
- 10 banded SL pulls
- 10 PS towel Drags, active glut on standing leg
- 5 SP SL burpees
- 5 push ups tempo 3/03
- run 400 m
Bench Press 10 – 10 – 5 – 5- 3 – 3 alt with pec stretch and 10-15 squat jumps WOD 3 Rounds for Max Reps at each station: 5 min AMRAP 2 mins Run 200-400 meters then Single skip – Double Unders 1 min O/H backward walking lunges 45/35/25/15 1 min 3:00-4:00, Pull Ups 1 min 4:00-5:00, Burpees w/ High Jump to target above max reach Rest 1 minute SCORE: Max reps from all 3 rounds ACCESSORY 2-4 Rounds: 200 meter Run 10 Medial, front, back deltoid raises 10ps banded leg lifts, squeeze butt and 10 ps clams 10ps alt bicep curls and tricep dips