Warm up
Big 6 banded Shoulder strengtheners
15 per side rig hamstring moves
foam roll posterior chain
Foam roll posterior chain
DL…… fBack is still ached use blocks and do not go to the floor.
Dead lift
*Take 15 minutes to work to a heavy set of 3 and 2.
while waiting do 5 reps of the BIG 6 Shoulder mobility OR POSTERIOR CHAIN RELEASE
WOD #1
14 Minute amrap
100m farmers carry (50/35)
30 sit ups (straight leg) hold light weight plate and extend arms at the top
100m farmers carry (50/35)
15 dead lifts (205/145)
WOD #2
800m run
21 toes to bar/ T2Rings/Tto dowel
30 alternating db snatches (50/35) or cleans