How cute is this ??
Happy Wednesday
Warm up
10 ps spine opener is child pose ( arm goes behind back then open)
10 ps windmills ( use light weights)
Kbell neck stretch ( hold KB and pull neck in the opposite dir)
10 ps banded push and pull ( start in lunge to pull and turn in lunge to push)
10 jump out and in push ups ( Scaled use bands from hanging from rig)
demo bench press set up , 5 point contact, bar pulls to j clip, eye level with bar, external rotation with shoulders, press below chest
Incline bench press… 3 3 3 3 3 look in your books to see what your 3 rm is and pr today
8 DB jump high pull in snatch position ( from hang)
Ladder anyone 10 -1 and 1 to 10
Pendlay rows 95/65 or scaled
on the even numbers , 2 4 6 8 10 do a farmers carry to end of the fence only and run back ( you should not be able to run this, pick weights accordingly
Finisher 2 – 3 rds
warm up excluding 1,2