Classes start at 6;00am with Sarah and finish at
6:00pm with trigger release and mobility …….
Warm up
- release shoulder girdle, butt and hips
- run 400 m
- 10 ps side kneeling band pulls from top.. move chest and shoulders
- 6 push up and hover for 3 sec do not turn turn
- wall sits with arm moving up and down wall
- 2 wall walks from plank
- 2x duck walk
- 2 both direction cart wheels, do both sides of body !!
5 Rounds for Max Load: Each round is 7 unbroken sets of: o 1 Power Clean o 1 Front Squat o 1 Push Press o 1 Back Squat o 1 Push Press You must hold on to the bar for the entire round.
Wod #2 Amrap in 10 min.
rope and runs 1 rope 1- 200 m run / lying down rope climbs